Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dell Schanze running for Mayor of Saratoga Springs

I don't understand how Dell can think he can win. I, personally, would not elect a man that couldn't keep a business afloat, that has so many problems with the law, with someone that said they'd remove Utah from the USA if he were for governor. How can you trust someone that owes the IRS over 1.1 million dollars. Does this sound like someone that is capable of running a town, even a small town? His rhetoric calling everyone the anti-christ that doesn't support him, is sad, and pathetic. Dell supports censorship as is apparent on his blog, why not just fly that Nazi we shipped to Germany back and vote for him? In the end, Dell Schanze is not someone that is ready mentally, emotionally, or fiscally for Mayor. As a side note, his claim that he couldn't pay for an attorney because he owes the IRS 1.1 million dollars, where is he going to get the funding to run for Mayor? Sounds like someone is being dishonest.


  1. I agree, who wants a mayor/Govenor or President for that matter that has their own agenda instead of speaking for the people. Dell definitely has his own agenda...removing Utah from the Union?
    The guy needs professional help, I'll bet he might sound normal if he were on his meds, but maybe not.

  2. I also don't like the idea of Dell running for anything in Saratoga Springs. He still have not prove himself than being a smart ass that he is.

    Saratoga Springs
