Friday, March 19, 2010

Dell Running for Governor...AGAIN

Who in their right mind would vote for this man? He's called everyone that doesn't agree with him the anti-christ. He's served time in jail for endangering his children's lives. I can't understand why anyone would vote for a man that owes the IRS millions but refuses to pay them or make arrangements. He's got the cash to pay for the run for governor, and to run his business, but not the funds to pay back his lawfully owed debt? You CANNOT trust Dell Schanze, he is a crook, and a thief.


  1. It seems to me that he is not running again, but going back to his shtick about how he would have stopped the healthcare bill if all the 'Satanic socialists' (As in: Anybody who didn't vote for Dell) hadn't actually voted for a reasonable candidate (As in: Anybody But Dell). As if the governor of Utah had any say in federal legislation, and if Dell wouldn't have been recalled by now out of sheer incompetence. Puh-LEASE, Dell, get a clue.

  2. Ok, so I was wrong, he is running again. It doesn't change the main point of my previous comment, though, which is that Dell is clueless.

  3. Anybody else find it funny that KSL is "Satanic Socialist Media" until he finds something that appears to be in his favor? Oooh, he was "ahead" in the "poll!" LOL!

  4. Also, the reason this blog was created because he censors his blog, do we really want a Nazi like censorship person running Utah? I thought not.
